8 Frost Resistant Vegetables

These 8 frost resistant vegetables are perfect for your fall garden or for an early spring planting. Frost resistant is more accurately described as frost tolerant, which means that these veggies will still be fine after a frost, but may not withstand a hard freeze. In many cases, a light frost will actually improve the flavor of the vegetable. Continue >>
Seed Catalogs
Click on image to their site and order their seed catalog.
What to Winter-Sow and When . . .

You might be wondering when, exactly, to winter-sow your perennials, annuals, herbs and veggies outdoors. The easiest answer is “now.” (Article written in January) However, to save work later on, it pays to plant certain seeds ahead of others. Continue >>
Books on Winter Gardening
Create Mini-Greenhouses from Milk & Water Jugs

What Are Milk Jug Greenhouses? In order to germinate, seeds need a medium (seed starter mix), a little water, warmth and time. Sunlight is important, but as you will find with these seed starter milk jugs, very little sunlight actually enters the container through the top hole. >> full article <<
How to Build a Cold Frame

Used to protect tender plants or rooted cuttings during the colder months, a cold frame is simply a box with a transparent lid or cover. It acts as a passive solar energy collector and reservoir. During the day, the sun's rays heat the air and soil in the frame; at night, the heat absorbed by the soil radiates out, keeping the plants warm.
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4 Ways to Use a Cold Frame
A cold frame is a simple structure that utilizes solar energy and insulation to create a microclimate within your garden. For those of you who have harvested and eaten a salad of fresh greens in February or have flowers blooming well past frost, you know the attraction of using cold frames. You also know how easy they are to make and use. Continue...