The first project was to dig a space for the pallets to be "buried". We thought it would look better then laying them on top of the surface and looking like we threw pallets in our yard. Once we dug up the space, we lined it with cardboard we got from a local furniture company (free). That way we were less likely to get weeds growing through. We scattered some dirt over the cardboard and placed the pallets on top. This step was frustrating - lol. Once we would get one in place, the next one would be taller or shorter so we would have to adjust the height of the dirt accordingly. Next step was to fill in the sides of the boardwalk with dirt. We bought some solar lights, at Walmart for .97 each, to light the path at night. Our next step is to plant marigolds along the edge of the boardwalk for color and pest control for the garden. There are still a couple of spaces that need filling - on the pallets - mainly for reinforcement. But we can do that as we go along. The total project cost less than $10!! Yard / Garden Update - July 14, 2013
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